:::: Selamat datang di BIKUN-CARRA Blog. Blog ini ditujukan untuk membina persahabatan antara SDN BI Kuningan dan SD Carraragarmungee. Hubungi guru anda di sekolah masing-masing bila terdapat tulisan atau foto yang ingin anda kirimkan :::: Welcome to BIKUN-CARRA Blog. This blog is dedicated to build friendship between SDN BI Kuningan and Carraragarmungee Primary School. Please contact your teacher at each schools if you want to post your writings or photos in this blog ::::

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pak Kartino visited Pak Herli

Last holiday, Pak Herli went to Indonesia. He met with Pak Kartino in his home in Ciamis City, West Java Province. Can you find its location in Google Map?. Pak Kartino told him that he will move to other school. So he is no longer working for Bikun Primary School. Pak Kartino such a hard working teacher to help established initially the link between Carra PS and SD Bikun. " I really missed him" said Pak Herli. We talked a lot about the ways to develop the relationship even he is not there.

After lunch, we said good bye and hugged each other. He should go home to Kuningan Regency which is a north far from Ciamis. It is such a memorable journey that he made. I believe much sacrifices has been put by him to meet me. Thank you Pak Kartino. Please stay tone and always keep in touch no matter where you teach. All the best wish for your carrier in your new school (HS. 8/2010)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hi there, How are you doing Carraragarmungee? I hope you all fine.
Oke, I would like to introduce my self.
My name is Rofi. And I am one of SBI's teacher in Kuningan West Java, Indonesia.
And also I want to give the information, that Mr. Kartino has leaved us one month ago.
He move to another school in Cirebon, and its school still in West Java. That all, and next we'll continue. Thank you for the attention.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Carra Student Pictures

Last holiday, Carra students went for holiday. They did some activities which were grouped as holiday at: going to city, doing sport, visiting relatives, participating in a social function, having eating in a restaurant, and flying in a plane. They drew pictures which told their wonderful experience. The pictures are very beautiful and colorful. It is really told us their real experience. Some of their pictures can be seen in the blog. However, the blog could not be able to take all the pictures. Mrs. Sue Mc Gregor will organize the pictures for Bikun students. Carra students hope the picture can maintain the relationship between two schools: Carra Primary School and Bikun Primary Schools (HS/SM)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hi Carra,

We would like to say "Thanks" for your information about your holiday.
It's really nice holiday.
And we would like to say thanks too for your letters. We are so proud to be your friends.
we hope It'll be a forever friendship.
Look at the pictures. They are so happy.

Tell us more about your interesting experiences in your holiday.

Thank you,


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Murid SD Carra Piknik

Terima kasih atas foto foto dan informasi tentang Wets Jawa Olympiad.Sekarang di Victoria ada liburan untuk Paskah. Murid murid akan kembali di Carraragarmungee hari Senin.Minggu depan Kelas 5 dan 6 piknik ke Anglesea. Ini daerah dekat pantai. Kami berada di sana selama empat hari. Murid murid pergi ke Maritime Museum, Queenscliff Fort dan melihat semua binatang kecil di pantai. Juga banyak murid yang bermain selancar ! ( Sue Mc Gregor, 2010)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Carra,
On February, 19th -20th 2010, Bikun held West Java Olympiad.The participants were from14 international level schools in west java. Bikun got some medals and placed in the third position. We are so happy.
you can see from the picture, Bikun's principal, Mr. Muhtar gave some trophies to the winners.
there are some pictures which show you, the activities were held in the West Java Olympiad 2010.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Salam dari Ibu Sue utk SD Bikun ...

Selamat Siang kepada teman temam di SD Bikun

Murid murid menikmati informasi tentang Borobodur. Apakh Borobodur dekat Bikun?

Semua murid murid di Carra menikmati liburan dan sekerang kembali di sekolah hampir empat minggu.

Hari ini murid murid menulis surat surat dan Ibu Sue akan mengirimkannya minggu depan

Minggu depan guru dari Malang akan mengunjungi Carra selama dua minggu dari program especial “BRIDGE” di antara Indonesia dan Australia .

Salam Ibu Sue