:::: Selamat datang di BIKUN-CARRA Blog. Blog ini ditujukan untuk membina persahabatan antara SDN BI Kuningan dan SD Carraragarmungee. Hubungi guru anda di sekolah masing-masing bila terdapat tulisan atau foto yang ingin anda kirimkan :::: Welcome to BIKUN-CARRA Blog. This blog is dedicated to build friendship between SDN BI Kuningan and Carraragarmungee Primary School. Please contact your teacher at each schools if you want to post your writings or photos in this blog ::::

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hi, Carra. All of Bikun Students had done The Odd semester test from 14th to 17th of December 2009. They did local and International test items. 21st-22nd of December 2009, they are going to go picnic to Borobudur Temple, a famous tourist object in Central Java.The students of Bikun are going to receive the Report Progress at the 24th of December 2009 and next is Holiday time. How about Carra's concert?
We hope it is going to run well, amen.(Kartino)

The Temple of Borobodur

Borobodur Temple

Buddhist marvel of stone standing in the garden of Java, Indonesia

The Borobodur Temple complex is one of the greatest monuments in the world. It is of uncertain age, but thought to have been built between the end of the seventh and beginning of the eighth century A.D. For about a century and a half it was the spiritual centre of Buddhism in Java, then it was lost until its rediscovery in the eighteenth century.

The structure, composed of 55,000 square meters of lava-rock is erected on a hill in the form of a stepped-pyramid of six rectangular storeys, three circular terraces and a central stupa forming the summit. The whole structure is in the form of a lotus, the sacred flower of Buddha.

One of the ninety-two Dhyani Buddha statues enclosed in stupas

For each direction there are ninety-two Dhyani Buddha statues and 1,460 relief scenes. The lowest level has 160 reliefs depicting cause and effect; the middle level contains various stories of the Buddha's life from the Jataka Tales; the highest level has no reliefs or decorations whatsoever but has a balcony, square in shape with round walls: a circle without beginning or end. Here is the place of the ninety-two Vajrasattvas or Dhyani Buddhas tucked into small stupas. Each of these statues has a mudra (hand gesture) indicating one of the five directions: east, with the mudra of calling the earth to witness; south, with the hand position of blessing; west, with the gesture of meditation; north, the mudra of fearlessness; and the centre with the gesture of teaching.

Devotional practice of circumambulate around the galleries and terraces.

Besides being the highest symbol of Buddhism, the Borobodur stupa is also a replica of the universe. It symbolises the micro-cosmos, which is divided into three levels, in which man's world of desire is influenced by negative impulses; the middle level, the world in which man has control of his negative impulses and uses his positive impulses; the highest level, in which the world of man is no longer bounded by physical and worldly ancient desire.

It is devotional practice to circumambulate around the galleries and terraces always turning to the left and keeping the edifice to the right while either chanting or meditating. In total, Borobodur represents the ten levels of a Bodhisattva's life which he or she must develop to become a Buddha or an awakened one.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Makasih Siswa Carra

Terima kasih banyak atas semua surat surat dari murid murid dari Bikun. Murid murid Carra senang sekali menerimanya. Sekarang di Carra kita sibuk sekali karena menyiapkan untuk konser pada 17 Desember, setelah itu akan menjalani liburan. Guru guru juga sibuk sekali karena mereka harus menulis laporan untuk semua murid di kelas. Salam Ibu Sue.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


One of Bikun activities in November 2009 is Art Performance at Saung Kuningan.(A new restaurant). The students of Bikun showed their abilities in Music collaboration ( modern and traditional Music). They played drum-band, Anglung ( music instruments that made of bamboo)and karawitan tools ( Sundanese traditional Instruments).
They are the fourth and the fifth Grade students.
The First Grade students performed a Traditional Dance.
This event was attended by the vice of Kuningan Regent, Bapak Momon and his wife.

Please, give your comments.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Terima Kasih Ibu Sue ....

Ibu Sue mengirim email kepada saya. Ia mengatakan " terimakasih atas kiriman paketnya dari Bikun. Wah, banyak hadiah nih dan bagus-bagus. Saya sangat menikmati persahabatan ini. Saya juga mengucapkan terimakaksih atas semua yang telah Pak Kartino lakukan untuk Carra. Semoga persahabatan ini akan terus berlangsung " demikian kata Bu Sue. Dalam foto nampak Bu Sue memegang kiriman paket pos dari Bikun yang baru Ia ambil dari pos. Persahabatan Bikun dan Carra sudah semakin erat. Silakan dicari kegiatan bersama yang dapat meningkatkan persahabatan ini. Bagaimana proyek pembuatan 'tape' apakah bisa dikerjakan? Surat para murid juga mungkin perlu ditingkatan baik via pos maupun via email. Untuk via email sedang dipikirkan pembuatan miling list antara kedua sekolah, sehingga surat murid tidak tampil di ruang publik. Hal ini untuk mempertimbangkan 'privacy murid' yang bersangkutan. Ada pendapat? (HS, 2009)

Friday, November 6, 2009

nisriinaa's letter for zoe gephart

Hi zoe!
My name is nisriinaa from sdn bikun. I am glad to meet you. Do you want to be my friend.
I like sing a song and dance too. I like swimming and drawing too, but i don't like foot ball. Do you can swim too? I can swim dolphin and butterfly style. My favorite animal is horse, cat, rabbit,and gold fish and dolphin.
See you later!

Best regard,

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bikun MOU

Bikun Primary School Kuningan West Java accomplished to make an MOU. This MOU will be sent to Carra PS and International Division Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in Victoria Australia. In Indonesia, the MOU most probably will be sent to Departement of Education Kuningan Regency, Department of Education West Java Province in Bandung, and Directorate Overseas Educational Cooperation, Departement of National Education (Direktorat Kerjasama Pendidikan Luar Negeri, Diknas Jakarta). In Victoria perspectives, this MOU can be attached to seek support to “Bridge Program” which support sister school program. It also can be used

for seeking funding to NLSS Program. In Indonesia views, financial can be sought by sending a proposal to Directorate KLN in Jakarta. SDN Bikun is also sent Carra PS a package via mail.It certainly takes time to reach Carra at Londrigan. This is hoped to forge and to boost on-going educational relationship between the two schools. Bikun will be more than happy to receive news when the package reached Carra. Congratulation to you all(HS,2009)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Kegiatan Bikun dan Gempa Sumbar

Just recently West Sumatra / Padang area rocked by a devastating earth quake. It damaged many facilities. Many schools collapsed. Thousands of houses suddenly turned into rubble. Many children suddenly became orphans. They need help from other friends. Bikun students have raised donation appeal. The students organized events and they invited parents to donate anything that could help Padang people to go through their hard time. They successfully gained some money, clothes, noodles, blankets, canned food, etc. They gave the donation to the committee in Kuningan Regency to be delivered to Padang. This was a good activity for the students to feel sympathy to those who are in calamity said Pak Kartino. He also wants his students to be more sensitive to others life and good occasion to train them to be generous people.

Pak Kartino also informed me that he would like to send Carra a package. The package is meant to cement the on-going educational relationship between Carra and Bikun. He hopes that the friendship would intensify in the near future. He also said that the MOU draft is on the process of signing by the person in charged, and it will soon be posted to Carra. He is eager to establish an everlasting relation, that is why he proposes to innitiate a joint project with Carra, in order to maintain the relationships (Compiled by HS).

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tape Singkong

Preparation of a tape ketan /singkong starter material called ragi tape was described by using pure cultures of A. rouxii, S. cerevisiae, P. anomale (HA 122) and P. anomale (HA 893) grown on rice. In a fermentation experiment this self-produced ragi tape was compared with a commercial available ragi tape (NKL). In addition to that, the growth of fungi, yeast and bacteria as well as the biochemical changes during the fermentation process of tape ketan were monitored. To do this, samples were taken periodically after 0, 5, 10, 15, 24, 36, 48 and 60 h fermentation with a commercially available starter (Tebu) at 30 degrees C. Samples were analysed for DM, ash, total N, soluble N, glucose before and after hydrolysis, ethanol, lactic acid, pH and viable cell count. Results show that a palatable product was ready for consumption after 48 h. Finally, tape ketan was prepared using two different samples of Indonesian ragi tape (Tebu) as inoculum and the products were compared by their nutritional constituents.
Tape singkong sudah terkenal di mana-mana, murah, lezat, dan menyenangkan. Tape yang sudah terkenal adalah tape ( peuyeum ) bandung. Peuyeum Bandung banyak yang menyukainya, karena manis rasanya dan tidak berair. Andapun dapat membuat tape sendiri, karena caranya tidaklah sukar. Adapun bahan-bahannya adalah: singkong yang sudah tua 2 kg, ragi tape yang manis ( dapat dibeli di toko bahan kue / pasar tradisional ). Sedangkan alat-alat yang diperlukan: pisau pengupas, panci untuk mengukus plus tutupnya, kompor, nyiru / tampah bambu, cobek / cowek dan munthunya untuk menepungkan ragi tape, daun pisang secukupnya dan bakul dari bambu.

Cara pembuatannya adalah: singkong dikupas kulitnya, kemudian dicuci bersih, dipotong-potong atau dibiarkan utuh. Lalu ditanak dalam panci sampai setengah matang, setelah itu singkong diangkat dan ditata / diangin-anginkan di atas nyiru sampai dingin, ragi ditumbuk sampai halus, singkong dilumuri tepung ragi satu persatu sampai merata betul, kemudian ditempatkan dalam bakul bambu yang sudah dialasi / dilambari daun pisang secara rapat / merata, isi sampai bakul tsb penuh, setelah penuh tutup rapat bakul dengan daun pisang dan tambahkan kain yang diikat rapat sebagai penutup. Sumber lihat:


Membuat Fermentasi Cassava/Sticky Rice

Beli singkong atau cassava frozen di Asian Grocery, bisa juga bahan itu sticky rice atau beras ketan, cara mengerjakannya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Pilihlah singkong yang bagus dan rata, kemudian dikupas, dipotong- potong sesuai selera dan dicuci bersih.
2. Kemudian potongan singkong tersebut direbus sampai matang kemudian ditiriskan.
3. Tunggu singkong tersebut sampai dingin, bias juga pakai kipas angin.
4. Sediakan ragi tape yang bias dibeli di took obat makanan, kemudian ditumbuk halus dan diayak pakai ayakan atau saringan.
5. Taburkan ragi halus ke singkong-singkong yang sudah dingin sampai rata.
6. Sediakan tempat untuk menyimpan singkong yang sudah ditaburi ragi tersebut, bias memakai plastic ataupun memakai daun pising atau daun jati.
7. Peram bungkusan singkong tersebut kurang lebih 3 hari
8. Setelah 3 hari bukalah bungkusan singkong tersebut, dan tape singkong siap dinikmati.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ucapan Terimakasih Bu Sue

Bu Sue Mc Gregor, telah memberi tahu Pak Herli bahwa para siswa telah menerima paket kiriman dari Pak Herli Salim. Paket itu berisi peta dan brosur tentang Indonesia. Dalam kiriman itu ada pula 2 buah CD yang berisikan penjelasan tentang budaya dan tempat wisata di Indonesia. Bu Sue mengatakan bahwa anak-anak SD Carra sangat senang menenerima kiriman ini, dan mereka mengucapkan terimakasih kepada para siwa SD Bikun atas kirimannya. Sebetulnya, surat email itu disertai foto para murid Carra, tapi Pak Herli mendapatkan kesulitan untuk mendowloadnya, sehingga tidak bisa ditampikan. Mungkin nanti akan ditampilkan lagi bila sudah bisa di download. Untuk itu mohon maaf. Pak Herli juga menerima kabar dari Pak Kartino bahwa para siswa Bikun sedang menyiapkan kiriman paket selanjutnya yang akan beliau kirim langsung dari Kuningan Indonesia ke Londrigan. Saat ini Pak Kartino sedang menyiapkan MOU SD Bikun buat SD Carra. Nanti bila sudah selesai akan dikirim ke SD Carra (HS, 2009).

Saturday, October 3, 2009

MOU Between Carra PS and SDN Bikun

During the Spring Holiday, Ibu Sue Mc Gregor has given an MOU to Pak Herli Salim. This MOU has been signed by the school principal and school president of Carra PS. In return, SDN Bikun should also post the same document for Carra PS. This is a formal written agreement between the two schools to establish link in form of sister school. The MOU needs to be reviewed in 2011, So, within 2 years time, Carra PS and SDN Bikun are encouraged to establish link and educational cooperation. The aims and activities as followed:

The aim of this sister school is to strengthen relationships, understanding and appreciation between people in Indonesia and the school Carra PS in Victoria, Australia; to deepen understanding of and respect for each culture; to provide opportunities for students and teachers to develop skills which enhance Australia-Indonesia relationships; to support the teaching of Indonesian in Victoria and English in Indonesia and to continue to teach in their respective schools; to develop ties of friendship through regular communication.

Exchange of information about curriculum, school policy and school events; exchange of teaching resources, course materials and teaching strategies; exchange of students works, email, letter, photos, students newspaper, etc to promote mutual understandings; both schools will endeavour to maintain student, teacher and administrator exchange programs to provide the opportunity to study, work, and live in the sister school community.

Each school has signed the documents and will exchange it. The MOU was signed by 17 September 2009. Thus, by 17 September 2011 (in two years time), the MOU will be reviewed. It is on behalf of the school mediator; I congratulate both schools and expect you to start initiating activities (HS, 2009).

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gempa Bumi di Padang, Sumatera

Gempa berkekuatan 7,6 SR yang memorakporandakan Kota Padang dan Pariaman dan terasa hingga Kuala Lumpur dan Singapura, Rabu (30/9), tidak berpusat di zona subduksi lempeng tektonik Indo-Australia dan Eurasia. Demikian penjelasan Dr Danny Hilman Natawidjaya, pakar gempa dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI).

"Gempa yang sekarang pusatnya patahan di kerak yang menunjam di bawah Kota Padang," kata Danny saat dihubungi Kompas.com, Kamis (1/10) pagi. Ia mengatakan, pusat gempa tersebut kemungkinan di ujung patahan jauh di bawah dasar laut.

Hal ini pula yang menurut Danny bisa menjelaskan mengapa gempa sebesar itu tidak sampai memicu gelombang besar. "Pergerakannya dominan horisontal tidak vertikal dan lepasnya lebih dalam sehingga tidak men-create tsunami," jelas Danny.

Padang Earthquake

The Jakarta Post , Padang/Medan/Pekanbaru | Thu, 10/01/2009 9:38 AM | Headlines
A powerful earthquake rattled the city of Padang, West Sumatra, on Wednesday, leaving at least 75 dead and trapping thousands under flattened buildings, officials said.
The death toll was likely to increase as many buildings, including houses, hotels, schools and shops, collapsed, Vice President Jusuf Kalla told a news conference in Jakarta after chairing an emergency meeting on the disaster response and coordination.
As communication lines were cut, the number of victims in the Pariaman regency, which is nearest to the epicenter in the Indian Ocean, are still unknown. A Pariaman native, the politician Indra Piliang, said as quoted by detik.com, “almost all houses are flattened.”

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kontak dengan Bu Sue

Mediator sekolah Indonesia, Pak Herli Salim, menjalin kontak dengan Bu Sue. Hal itu terjadi ketika Bu Sue berlibur ke Melbourne pada waktu musim semi ini. Semula kami memang mau merencanakan pertemuan, namun karena Bu Sue ada acara lain maka pertemuan itu jadi tidak terlaksana. Bu Sue terburu-buru pulang kembali ke Wangaratta. Pak Herli Salim mengirim pesan singkat ke Ibu Sue, dan Ia menelepon langsung ke telepon rumah Pak Herli. Kami bercakap-cakap seputar kerjasama pendidikan SDN Bikun dengan SD Carra. Ibu Sue mengatakan bahwa ia sebenarnya mau menunjukan draf nota kesepahaman antara SDN Bikun dengan SD Carra. Pak Herli berniat akan memberikan CD dan brosur tentang Indonesia. Sehubungan pertemuan itu tidak jadi maka draf nota kesepahaman akan dikirimkan melalui email, dan hadiah buat SD Carra akan Pak Herli kirimkan melalui pos ke SD Carra. Berikut foto paket yg dikirim. Semoga hal ini menjadikan tali pengikat yang lebih erat lagi diantara kedua sekolah . Bu Sue, could you please write down an English version of this writing? (HS, 2009)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Surat SD Carra yang lain. Selamat membaca dan selamat Idul Fitri. Salam dari semua murid SD Carra Lodrigan, Wangaratta.

Nama saya Brooke Monshing.
Siapa nama mu?
Saya tinggal di Wangaratta.
Di mana tinggal?
Apakah kamu suku?
Saya perempuam.
Umur saya Sembilan tahun.
Sampai jumpa

Nama saya Douglas.
Saya tinggal di Tarrawingee.
Umur saya sembilan tahun.
Saya suku bermain sepak bola.
Di keluagu saya ada lima orang.
Saya laki laki.

Nama saya Erin. Saya perempuan.
Saya tinggal di Byawatha. Umur saya delapan tahun.
Saya suku mendansa ,menulis, membaca dan menggambar.
Di keluarga saya ada tiga orang.
Saya duduk di kelas tiga. Sampai jumpa.

Nama saya Deri. Saya perempaun.
Saya tinggal di Markwood, Australia.
Umur saya sembilan tahun.
Saya suka membaca dan berenang dan memanjat.
Di keluarga saya ada empat orang.
Saya duduk di kelas empat.
Apa kabar?
Di mana kamu tinggal?
Berapa umur mu?
Sampai jumpa.
Deri Guinane

Nama saya Will.
Saya laki laki.
Saya tinggal di Londrigan.
Saya sepuluh tahun.
Saya suka bermain tennis.
Di keluarga saya ada empat orang.

Nama saya Elinor. Saya perempuan. Saya duduk di kelas tiga. Saya tinggal di Tarrawingee. Umur saya sembulan tahun. Saya suka membaca, memulis dan menggangbar. Di keluarga saya ada empat orang.

Nama Saya Memphis. Saya Tinggal di Wangaratta. Umar Saya Sepuluh Tahun. Saya suka bermain bola jala, tenis, kriket, bola basket, futbol,Saya suku menyanyi dan mendansa dan naik kuda. Saya perempian. Di keluarga saya ada empat orang dan Seribu lebih. Saya duduk di kelas empat. Saya mempunyai banyah teman.. Di mana kamu tinggal? Saipa nama dia? Saya suka banyak binatang.

Nama saya Georgia!
Saya tinggal di Byawatha!
Umur saya sembilan tahun!
Saya suka menyanyi dan mendansa!
Di kelaurga saya ada lima orang!

Nama saya Zoe Gephart!

Saya tinggal di Eldorado!
Umur saya supuluh tahun!
Saya suka menyani dan mendansa!
Saya suku bermain futbol dan kriket!
Di keluarga saya ada Lima orang!
Binatang favorit saya anjing dan singa!
Siapa Nama dia?
Di mana kamu tinggal!
Apa kaber!
Baik baik saja? Bagus!
Apa suka mendansa?
Apa suka menyanyi?
Apa suku futbol?
Apa suka kriket?
Apakah kamu suka?
Apakah perempuan atau laki laki?
Zoe!!!!!! Xox!!
(Saya perempuan!!!)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ucapan Bu Sue Mcgregor

Nama saya Sue Mc Gregor. Saya mengajar bahasa Indonesia sudah 15 tahun. Menjalin hubungan dengan sekolah Indonesia sudah menjadi cita-cita saya, tapi baru sekarang ini dapat SDN Bikun. Saya mengajar di SD Carraragarmungee, Wangaratta, Victoria. Ini daerah tengah-tengah antara Kota Melbourne dengan Kota Sydney. Kota ini termasuk dalam Victoria State. Saya berasal dari Kota Melbourne. Orang tua saya, ayah saya, tinggal di Melbourne. Anak saya juga bertempat tinggal di Kota Melbourne. Saya mengajar bahasa Indoensia di kelas 3/4 dan kelas 5/6. Saya berharap persahabatan ini bisa meningkat. Nama kepala sekolah saya Pak Peter Dawns. Beliau menyambut baik persahabatan dua sekolah ini dan menyampaikan salam buat Pak Mohammad Muhtar, kepala SDN Bi Kuningan. Selamat Lebaran dan selamat berlibur.
Ibu Sue Mc Gregor

Our School and Thank you

Mr.Kartino’s letter.
At SDN BIKUN we have 150 students. The first grade consists of 3 classes. The second grade consists of 12classes; the third to the fifth consist of 1 class. We don’t have the sixt grade,because our school is new school. Our school is located at not so far from Kuningan about. 12 km. The same with your school, our school is a rounded of the rice field too near with the villagers. Almost of Our students go to school by school transportation (mini bus). And the others go to school on foot. We start the lesson at 07.20 to 12.00.(we have break and have lunch together) at 12.00
At 12 .30 to 01.00 pm. We have practice prayer. And then 01.00 pm to 03.00 pm is extracurricular time.
At 3.00 we go home.
I hope by this link will make us solid and be forever friendship. Thank you for your greeting on our Lebaran Festive. Yes, we are delighted to celebrate it. Enjoy your holiday time to you all Carra students!

Warm regards,

Selamat Lebaran

Murid-murid SD Carra, mengucapkan selamat Lebaran kepada semua murid SD Bikun. Senang ya bisa berlebaran dan menamatkan puasa. Semoga sehat selalu. Kami turut bergembira atas keberhasilan semua tema-teman dalam menyelesaikan puasa. Kami minggu depan akan liburan term. Sekali lagi selamat Lebaran.
Atas nama semua murid SD Carra:
Dylan,Tyler, James dan Natalie

Dylan, Tyler dan James


Friday, September 4, 2009

Gempa Tasikmalaya,Java

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Gempa 7,3 Skala Richter dipastikan oleh Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika tidak menimbulkan gelombang tsunami. Namun, gempa pukul 14.55 WIB yang berpusat di Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, itu merontokkan beberapa atap bangunan. Beberapa menit setelah gempa, badan ini sempat memberi peringatan berpotensi tsunami.

Guncangan gempa dirasakan hampir seluruh wilayah Jawa. Sejumlah kota di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah, warganya merasakan adanya getaran gempa selama beberpa detik. di Kota Bandung, sebuah kantor bank rusak.

Begitu pula di Jakarta, gempa ini menimbulkan kepanikan penduduk dan mengakibatkan kerusakan beberapa fasilitas. Pegawai di perkantoran Jalan Suidrman berhamburan keluar. Mereka memadati ruas jalur lambat, lantaran takut gedung jangkung tempatnya bekerja, bakal terjadi apa-apa.

Dear friends and Ibu Sue,

First of all we would like to say thank you for your sympathy. Don't worry, We are all fine here, although, we were so panic at that time. Thanks God, It is because of your praying to us. It happened at 3.00 p.m. My family and I were watching TV in the living room, the lamp was shaking and I felt dizzy. I took my daughter and my wife to go out from our house.All of the people around us so panic too. We hope, it will not happen again.

Warm Regards,


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Photo of Carra's Students

Teman-teman di SD Bikun, Kuningan,West Java,Indonesia, inilah foto kami di SD Carra. Mana foto teman-teman di SD Bikun?
Oh ya.... ini ada email Bu Sue: "Dear Pak Herli, We are all very concerned following the awful news of an earthquake in Java.This is a very sad event and all of us at Carraragarmungee hope that you are all safe at Kuningan".
Ibu Sue

Ibu Sue dan murid SD Carra

Siapa saja nama-nama di foto ini? You can choose any names from Bikun letters based on your same interest and start sending letters. It can be done via email or mail. You can also exchange oranments, gifts, to mark your friendships between you. You can discuss it with Bu Sue (Carra) as well as with Pak Kartino (Bikun). I would like to see that ! (HS)

Friendship Letters from SD Carra

Dear Bikun Students, here are some more letters from SD Carra. I want you to respond them based on your interest personally. Or you can do it via email please contact your teacher (Pak Kartino at Bikun). Happy reading some letters from Carra to Bikun students. Bu Sue says "thank you for this correscpondence, ini membuat para siswa semangat belajar bahasa Indonesia".
Pak Herli Salim ( Schools Mediator)

Nama saya Tyler Day
Saya laki laki
Saya tinggal di Eldorado
Umur saya duabelas tahun
Pergi kesekolah di carraragarmungee SD
Saya suka bermain futbal dan naik sepeda
Teman teman saya Zane Mitchell James, Jack, Jacob, Kate, Imy, Julie, Dylan, Rhys, Daniel.
Saya di kelas enam
Ada lima orang di keluarga saya.

Nama saya Rhys Cain
Saya tinggal di Wangarratta
Umur saya sepuluh tahun
Saya laki laki
Pergi ke sekotah di Carraragarmungee SD
Saya suka bermain futbol dan naik sepeda
Teman – Teman saya Mitchell, Jack, Tyler, Zane, James, Dylan, Jacob, Daniel, Hugh, Henry, Will
Saya di kelas lima
Ada lima orang di keluarga saya

Nama saya Jack Bates dan saya laki-laki.
Saya tinggal di Byawatha.
Umur saya dua belas tahun.
Perki ke sekolah di Carrargarmungee SD.
Saya suka bermain naik speda moto, naik sepeda, naik scooter, naik ripstik dan sepak bola. Teman-teman Saya Zane, Morrigan, Tyler, Jacob, Tayla Wyatt, Tayla Warner dan Natalie,
Saya di kelas enam.
Ada empat orang di keluarga saya.
Nama saya Tayla Wyatt
Saya perempuan
Saya tinggal di Eldorado
Umar saya sebelas tahunahun
Pergi ke sekolah di Carraragarmungee SD
Saya suka bermain naik kudu
Teman-teman saya Morri Guinane, Tayla Warner, Natalie Fitzgerald, Jack Bates, Kate Bear.
Saya di kelas lima .
Ada empat orang di keluargu saya.

Nama saya Tayla Warner.
Saya tinggal di Eldorado.
Saya perempuan.
Pergi ke sekolah di Carraragarmungee.
Umur saya sebelas tahun.
Saya suka bermain futbol dan tennis.
Teman-teman saya Natalie Fitzgerald,
Tayla Wyatt, Morri Guinane and Jack Bates.
Saya di kekas lima .
Ada lima orang di keluarga saya.

Nama saya Dylan Gephart
Saya Lakilaki
Saya tinggal di Eldorado
Umur saya dua belas tahun
Pergi ke sekolah di Carraragarmungee SD
Saya suku bermain naik sepada (motor), sepak bola, PS2
Teman – teman saya Mitchell, Jacob, Zane, Tyler, Hugh Rhys, Julie, Kate, Imogen, Daniel, Henry, James, Nic , Jordan .
Saya di kelas Enam
Ada lima orang di keluarga saya

Surat Ibu Sue Mcgregor

Di SD Carraragarmungee ada tujuh puluh empat murid dan empat kelas. Kelas 3/4 dan Kelas 5/6 belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Letak sekolah kami dekat kota Wangaratta. Jaraknya dari Kota Melbourene, Ibu Kota Victoria State 250 km. Sekolah kami dikelilingi oleh pertanian dan agak jauh dari pemukiman penduduk. Murid-murid berangkat ke sekolah naik bis sekolah, karena mereka tinggal jauh dari sekolah, yang paling jauh adalah berjarak kurang lebih empat belas atau limabelas km dari sekolah.Masuk sekolah mulai jam sembilan tetapi banyak murid datang pada setengah sembilan. Mereka bermain-main dengan teman- temannya dulu. Murid-murid makan siang di sekolah pada jam satu. Sekolah selesai pada jam setengah empat. Bagaimana keadaan sekolah SDN BI Kuningan?

Salam hangat
Ibu Sue

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bikun Letters

Dear Carra PS,
Here are letters from SD Bikun students. Pak Kartino is the teacher there mediating your relationships. He says “Thank you for your attention, for all colleagues at Carra. I hope by this site we will get a good relationship. And Say Hello to all of the students there and of course to the teachers and the principal too".
Warm regard,
Kartino (teacher at Bikun Primary School)

I am Athaya Hauratiza Azizah, my nick name is Thaya
I am nine years old. I am a girl.My hobby is playing Rollerblading. I am in the fourth grade now. My favorite drink is soda drink ,my favorite color is blue. My favorite food is crab.
I live in Kuningan.

Dear friend,
My name is Mita Maudina. I am nine years old.I am in fourth garde now. I am a girl.
I like mango. My favorite food are fish and chicken.
my hobby is paying basketball. My favorite drink is orange juice.
I live in Kuningan, Indonesia.

My name is Araey D.Z
I am nine years old. I am in the fouth grade now. I am a boy. I like football.
My favorite color is red, my favorite food is chicken. I live in Kuningan, Thank you.

My name is Wiqa Kaelia Hikma, Please cal me Wiqa
I am ten years old. I am fourth grade student. I am a girl. I like reading and studying.My favorite color is pink. My favorite food are rice and egg. My favorite drink is milk. My friends are Inge, Ikha, Mita, Anisa, and Thaya. I live On Jalan Cikaso Kramatmulya Kuningan. Indonesia.

Dear friends,
I am Novita Melania
I am nine years old, I am a girl. My hobby is drawing. I am in the fourth grade now. My favorite color is Pink. My favorite food is egg. I live at veteran street no. 81 Kuningan Indonesia.

My name is Aisa Nur Insani. My nick name is anisa. I am nine years old. I am in the fourth grade now. I am a girl. I live at Ahmad Yani Street no. 96 Kuningan Indonesia. I like coloring and swimming, My favorite color is orange, My favorite food is Chicken steak.
My favorite drink is Mango Juice..

My name is Alifia Iftinan, I am eight years old.
I am in the fourth grade now I am a girl. My favorite color is yellow.
My favorite food is fried fish. My favorite drink is Milk my hobby is playing badminton. I live in Kuningan.

Selamat pagi semuanya!

Semoga pagi ini semua teman-teman dan murid-murid di Sekolah Dasar Carraragarmungee dalam keadaan sehat. Para pengelola blog Bikun Carra mau mengenalkan diri. Dengan perkenalan ini kami berharap terciptanya hubungan batin yang lebih dekat dengan semua teman di SD Carra.

Bapak Herli Salim. Bapak ini adalah mediator sister school. Dia yang menjadi penyambung hubungan antara SDN BI Kuningan, Jawa Barat, Indonesia dengan SD Carraragarmungee, Victoria, Australia. Pekerjaannya adalah: membina hubungan ini supaya tetap berjalan baik; Memberikan pertimbangan budaya supaya hubungan ini berjalan serasi; Berupaya untuk terus mempererat hubungan antara kedua sekolah. Pak Herli tinggal di Melbourne. Dia sedang belajar di program doktor di Universitas Deakin, Melbourne. Bila dia sudah selesai belajar maka dia akan pulang ke Indonesia. Dia mengajar di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Bandung.

Bapak Muhammad Muhtar, Dia Kepala Sekolah SDN BI Kuningan. Dia berkeinginan supaya para murid di sekolahnya pintar berbahasa Inggris. Sekolah ini merupakan sekolah percontohan. Yaitu sekolah yang dibuat untuk program internasional. Sekolah seperti ini ada 22 sekolah di seluruh Indonesia. Salah satunya di Kabupaten Kuningan. Dia menginginkan adanya persahabatan yang erat diantara kedua sekolah, sehingga keduanya dapat bekerja sama untuk saling bertukar pikiran dan belajar melalui internet dan melalui korespondensi.

Bapak Kartino Pernando, Dia merupakan guru penghubung di SDN BI Kuningan. Dia diberi tugas oleh Pak Muhtar untuk mengurusi sister school dengan SD Carraragarmungee. Dia berasal dari Kabupaten Belitong, Sumatera. Tetapi, dia mengembara ke Kabupaten Kuningan dan bekerja sebagai guru di sana. Sehari-harinya, Dia mengajar Bahasa Inggris di SDN BI Kuningan. Untuk kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris dengan SD Carra akan ditangani oleh Pak Kartino. Dengan demikian, Pak Kartino akan sering berhubungan dengan Ibu Sue Mcgregor.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cuaca di Victoria, Australia

Hari ini murid murid di kelas 5/6 di Carraragarmungee belajar Bahasa Indonesia.
Kami belajar cuaca. Hari ini cuaca dingin dan mendung. Angin bertiup kencang dan kuat, sehingga merobohkan pohon-pohon. Hujan turun dengan deras. Memang sedang ada badai di tempat kami.Dua minggu lalu kami pergi ke gunung dan bermain ski. Sekarang sedang musim dingin, dan minggu depan mulai musim semi.
Salam persahabatan,
Dari murid murid di Carra

Surat Balasan SD Carraragarmungee

Kepada semua murid SDN BI Kuningan yang baik.
Terima kasih atas surat dari Nisrina. Hari ini murid- murid mengirim surat untuk semua siswa di SDN BI Kuningan, dan saya adalah guru mereka, nama ibu adalah Ibu Sue Mcgregor. Selamat membaca surat dari kami:
Salam hangat.
Ibu Sue
Nama saya Mitchell Brendel.
Saya laki-laki . Saya tinggal di Eldorado. Umur saya sebalas tahun. Pergi ke sekolah di Carraragarmugee SD. Saya suka bermain futbol,tennis,kriket,naik sepeda motor. Teman-Teman saya Dylan, Jacob, Zane, Tyler, Hugh, Rhys, Kate, Julie, Imy, Daniel, Henry, James, Nic , Jordan. Saya di kelas Lima. Ada lima orang di keluarga saya

Nama saya Jordan Landells,
Saya laki laki. Ada Empat orang di keluarga saya. Saya tinggal di Eldorado. Umur saya sebelas tahun. Saya di kelas Lima. Saya sekolah di Carraragarmungee. Saya suka bermain naik sepada. Teman teman saya Nick, Mitchell, Dylan, Joseph, James, Jacob, Zane, Kate, Julie, Imy.

Nama saya Julie Borbidge,
Saya tinggal di Eldorado Umur saya sebelas tahun Pergi ke skholah di Carraragarmungee SDSaya suka bermain bloa jala dan tenis. Teman-teman saya Imy, Kate, Mitchell, Dylan, Zane, dan Daniel Saya di kelas lima Ada enam orang di keluarga saya Saya perempuan.

Nama saya James.
Saya laki-laki. Saya tinggal di Byawatha.Umur saya sebelas tahun.Pergi ke sekolah di Carraragarmungee SD.Saya suka naik sepeda motor.Teman teman saya Lochlin, Dylan , Jordan , Nic, Jacob dan Joseph.Saya di kelas lima .Ada empat orang di keluarga saya.

Nama saya Kate Bear.
Saya Tinggal di Eldorado.Umur saya sebelas tahun.Pergi ke sekolah di Carraragarmungee SD.Saya perempuan.Saya suka bermain sepak bola dan tenis Teman-teman saya Julie, Imy, Mitchell, Zane, Dylan dan Daniel Saya di kalas lima Ada empat orang di keluarga saya.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Nisrina's Letter

Hi Everyone!
My name is Nisrina Firdaus. I'm 8 years old. I'm from Kuningan - West Java. Kuningan is a regency. The distance from Jakarta is 250 km. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, or 60 km from Bandung, the capital city of the West Java Province. My Hobby is swimming, performing traditional dance, and drawing. I go to SDN BI Kuningan and I'm in grade II A. I hope, I have many friends from around the world. Ayo mana surat balasan dari siswa Carraragarmungee.

Best Regards,
Nisrina Firdaus, student of SDNBI Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fasting and Religion

Hello everyone! Right now at our place in Kuningan Regency starts fasting. Fasting is a religious order. When fasting we do not eat and drink during the day. We can eat when the sun set. Fasting is a training session, training to control our eating desire, our anger, our dirty thinking. During fasting we are encouraged to do good things and to avoid doing evil things. Fasting only reschedules our eating time, breakfast to a bit earlier, that is before the sun arises, and when the sun sets we can eat again. We believe that doing fasting can increase our health because it gives our stomach to take a rest. Our stomach needs rest. You can imagine! For a whole year our stomachs always digest our food. During fasting, the body repairs itself and the body cells renew it structures. Everyone in our school is encouraged to do fasting. Learning to fast can be done little by little. For example: not eating from the down till mid-day, and when we get used to doing it, we increase it till late afternoon, then automatically we can do it for the whole day. This is what we experience at our school. Can you tell me what are you doing at the moment?

Friday, August 21, 2009

State International Primary School of Kuningan Regency, West Java, Indonesia

This state primary school is established and designed by the central government in Jakarta . There are about 22 state international primary schools across Indonesia and one of them is at Kuningan Regency, West Java, Indonesia.The school is a pilot project of international primary school that it is arranged to meet with international standard in terms of curriculum, teaching and learning process, as well as its school facilities. The teachers are qualified educators, the staff members are highly distinctive people and so are the teaching technician, all are at the qualification of bachelor degrees in education, and more over the school principals has gained a master of education degree. The school is supported by the local government and central government. Their support are based on the Indonesian Education Law, and furthermore the Indonesian Government thorough the National Department of Education comitts to show the program of UNECO educational declaration in their school program, i.e: learning to know, learning to do, , learning to be, and learning to live together. The school wishes to develop educational link and cooperation with international school such as Australian Primary Schools. The school believes that the initiated cooperation can boost friendship and create mutual benefit between Indonesia and Australia, as well as motivating the school members to enhance its quality of education. If you wish to know more our school please kindly access us at our web site:

*) www.sbikuningan.blogspot.com / www.sdnbikuningan.sch.id Or you can contact the school principal: Mr. Muhammad Muhtar email: much2970@yahoo.co.id and our address: Desa Cikaso, Kecamatan Kramatmulya Kabupaten Kuningan 45521 Phone Number : 0232-8880881.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Salam kenal dari murid SD Carraragarmungee

Hallo salam jumpa! Kami adalah murid Sekolah Dasar Carraragarmungee. Lokasi sekolah kami di Lodrigan, Warrangatta. Perjalanan ke sekolah kami dari Melbourne biasanya ditempuh dengan menggunakan kereta api dan lama perjalanannya kira-kira 1,5 jam. Kami tinggal di daerah pedalaman atau orang Australia suka bilang di ‘country’. Warrangatta termasuk wilayah Negara Bagian Victoria atau Victoria State. Kami sangat senang bisa membina persahabatan dengan Sekolah Dasar Negeri Bertaraf Internasional atau SDNBI Kuningan, Jawa Barat. Ini foto kelas 5 dan kelas 6. Mana foto kawan-kawan dari SDN BI Kuningan? Ditunggu ya kiriman fotonya. Oh ya, mari kita gunakan blog ini untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Balas ya surat ini. Salam persahabatan dari kami. Murid kelas 5 dan 6 Sekolah Dasar (SD) Carraragarmungee.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My name is Bikun Carra

Hallo you all ... I am a blog. A blog is a web page where we can put our writing and post our photos. This blog has a name. Just simple called this blog Bikun Carra. This blog is a joint blog. It means the blog are managed by two schools: SDN BI Kuningan and Carraragarmungee Primary School. The blog name is from SDNBI Kuningan (Bikun) and Carraragarmungee Primary School ( Carra). To be put together is Bikun Carra. This blog is created for learning Indonesian language for Carra and English for Bikun. It is also for promoting link and friendships for both schools. Bikun is in Kuningan Regency West Java Province, Indonesia. Can you find Bikun location? where does Bikun lie? Bikun likes making friendship for learning. Bikun meets with Karra in the same interest for learning. On the other hand, Carra is in Lodrigan Warangarata, Victoria, Australia. Can you point where is Carra location at the map? Bikun and Karra like making friendships for their learning. Here are some photo from Bikun and Karra. If you want to post your writings or put your photos. Please ask your teachers. Ayo semangat belajar bahasa Indonesia! Let's be enthusistic in learning English! (HS, 2009)