:::: Selamat datang di BIKUN-CARRA Blog. Blog ini ditujukan untuk membina persahabatan antara SDN BI Kuningan dan SD Carraragarmungee. Hubungi guru anda di sekolah masing-masing bila terdapat tulisan atau foto yang ingin anda kirimkan :::: Welcome to BIKUN-CARRA Blog. This blog is dedicated to build friendship between SDN BI Kuningan and Carraragarmungee Primary School. Please contact your teacher at each schools if you want to post your writings or photos in this blog ::::

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fasting and Religion

Hello everyone! Right now at our place in Kuningan Regency starts fasting. Fasting is a religious order. When fasting we do not eat and drink during the day. We can eat when the sun set. Fasting is a training session, training to control our eating desire, our anger, our dirty thinking. During fasting we are encouraged to do good things and to avoid doing evil things. Fasting only reschedules our eating time, breakfast to a bit earlier, that is before the sun arises, and when the sun sets we can eat again. We believe that doing fasting can increase our health because it gives our stomach to take a rest. Our stomach needs rest. You can imagine! For a whole year our stomachs always digest our food. During fasting, the body repairs itself and the body cells renew it structures. Everyone in our school is encouraged to do fasting. Learning to fast can be done little by little. For example: not eating from the down till mid-day, and when we get used to doing it, we increase it till late afternoon, then automatically we can do it for the whole day. This is what we experience at our school. Can you tell me what are you doing at the moment?

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